Friday, September 30, 2011

For every girl, a garter

Oh Natalie Wood...

via Starlet Showcase*

Please, someone do a photo shoot emulating this image. Pretty please.

*Try as I might, I could not find the origin of this photo. Feel free to share if you happen to know.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How can I learn about burlesque on my own?

Oh my lovelies, our poor burlesque expert, Elsa Sjunneson, has had a brutal summer. When we first met our resident burlesque expert she had just completed her Master's degree in Women's History. But what would be the fun in stopping there?  No, no, Elsa dedicated her summer to meeting deadlines for her thesis.

Because she rocks.

I've missed her terribly and am so happy to welcome her back to NPJ for more truth about the burlesque arts.

1) Get your read on! The Burlesque Handbook by Jo "Boobs" Weldon is great! She's written a book that teaches everything from the basics of movement, down to how to make pasties and book yourself shows.

book cover image via Harper Collins

2) Take in a movie! A Wink and a Smile by Deirdre Allen Timmons is a film about the Seattle Academy of Burlesque. It's streaming on Netflix, and, while it won't teach you how to perform, it'll teach you about the challenges involved in learning!

3) Go to a school!  All across the country there are burlesque schools, there's the Seattle Academy, the New York Academy, The Richmond Institute of Burlesque, Studio L'Amour in Chicago, and many many more! Just poke around and your city will probably have something for you to take!

4) Watch YouTube. If you search for the 2011 Burlesque Hall of Fame, you will find videos of incredible acts and performances from all over the world, which you can learn from.

5) Find a show in your town! Go watch people perform, support the community financially, and enjoy the art form!

Gentry Lane, posing for a photo shoot, is behind one of Paris’s newest burlesque series.

6) Go to BURLYCON in Seattle! Burlycon is an event every year where the community comes together to teach each other about the art form we all love and perform in. This year I'm teaching four classes (FOUR!) and I'm really excited about it!

Something I've discovered is that a lot of people think that just because they've taken a burlesque class means they have to go ahead and perform professionally While I think performing can be a lot of fun, I think sometimes people should just take the class and learn about their bodies. I'm not saying you CAN'T go play with the pros, but that if you're not 100% confident in it, or if you had originally just wanted to take the class for yourself, or for your husband, or your boyfriend, you don't have to go further than that. Make burlesque as fun as you want it to be, and make it about YOU and you'll always have fun while you're dancing! '

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Paintings (yes, paintings!) by the super talented Christopher Stott.
Found via Down and Out Chic.

Okay, my darlings, here's the deal.  Today is a big day at my house because we are sending Ben off on a four-month business trip. I've known this for a while, but I chose to set myself up with a very ambitious schedule to help keep my mind off the whole ominous four months-ness of the situation. And then I realized that my schedule is so ambitious I didn't actually leave time for me to properly send Ben off.


I know we had a schedule. And I know some of you are very excited about wrapping up the craft-along and sharing your wreaths. But I'm begging your indulgence today. Thanks, you guys.

And because you are so awesome I'll put together an extra flower tutorial or two. Cool? Cool.

Thank you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My new best friend

You remember how I went just gaga  over the ensemble of NPJ bride Autumn B. Well, that sweet lovely girl happily hooked me up with her dress designer, Wesleann Polkowski! My darlings, I have found a kindred spirit, fellow Joss Whedon fan, and muse all wrapped up in a quirky little package with a sass-pot bow!

Parts of the following interview were edited for length, clarity, and because Wesleann asked that I not let her "come off as bat-shit crazy. "

Hi, my name is Wesleann and I like to sew things.

Read more about Wes after the jump.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Thanks to the Etsy favorites feature, I have hearts, you have hearts, we all have hearts! Here, we’ll hop from heart-to-heart each week, progressively adding to our heart trail as we follow the favorites from one seller to the next.

Earlier this month we left off with

...StoriesDivinations {Vintage Maps Card} who hearts

...FrenchTwistPostcards {Antique Postcard Scan} who hearts

...thankyoulucky {Antique Top Hat} who hearts

...hattieshouse {Vintage Pool Balls} who hearts

...Royal Design Stencils {Moroccan Wall Stencil} who hearts

...Ida Estelle {Moroccan wrap Bracelets} who hearts'll have to wait until October to find out!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cocktail Hour Kicks

Over at East Side Bride and Offbeat Bride they're talkin' boots.  Fabulous boots. Being from Texas I'm no stranger to the idea of pairing cowboy boots with dresses of every kind.

via a country nest

Personally, I never felt quite comfortable in cowboy boots, but I never met a high-heeled calf-hugging boot I didn't like. But for a cocktail party? Or even *gasp* a wedding?

Heck yeah!

How about a little leather with your lace?

Gianni Barbato on Etsy

Maybe you're looking for something to go with your wedding day white err ivory.

Marlowe Wedding Dress from leananimal
Ruffle Knee High Boots from La Posh Style

May I recommend these little black boots for your little black dress?

Pvette Ruffled Crepe Dress by Diane von Furstenberg
Dior via Pinterest
Side view

Kick up your cocktail style with some stylin' kicks.

via Chictopia
Miz Mooz from Modcloth via Pinterest
Tell me, my lovelies, would you wear boots with your formal wear?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Craft-along: Flower tutorial 4

For other blossom tutorials and the more info about this craft-along please click here.

I'm sure this will come as a huge shocker, but sometimes I start making something and it ends up being something else entirely. That's what happened with today's flower.  I set out making a flat-ish bloom and ended up with a fabulously frilly carnationesque number.  And I love it!

I like it so much, in fact, that I'm changing my whole flower wreath blossom scheme. Do you want a ruffly carnation for your wreath? Well let's go, then!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Craft-along flower 3: Marigold (not actually gold)

For other blossom tutorials and the more info about this craft-along please click here.

I think today's flower looks like a marigold.


Except that it's navy.

And if I can make a navy marigold, you can make an any-color-you-want marigold. Ready?

Monday, September 19, 2011

This is the week!

Take a look at these photos.

via Nette

Notice anything?

via Martha Stewart

Like a common theme?

via Michelle Pyxus

Because this is the week!

via u*handbag

...the week I finally tackle garters with pockets!

Wish me luck!

P.S. What would you put in your garter pocket?

Friday, September 16, 2011

For every girl, a garter

Today I'm rubbing elbows with a princess!


That's right, Ben took Emily and me to the Magic Kingdom for a family adventure before he leaves town. Since I hope to be seeing Disney's version of that cinder girl, I thought today would be the perfect day to show my latest garter!

It was actually inspired by my recent discovery of Alice Blue Gown, but don't you think it would suit Cinderella perfectly?

It has everything a princess could hope for -icy blue dupioni silk, vintage lace, gold...

I just can't decide if I should offer it as a keepsake garter with a coordinating toss garter, or if I should make a pair of garters for everyday princess wear.  What do you think?

* "Inspired by her childhood memories of Disneyland and a practical knowledge of period costuming, artist Claire Hummel created a series of illustrations featuring historically accurate versions of Disney’s princess costumes. " ~ My Modern Met See more about this series here and here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Boudoir Photos

I adore the idea of a boudoir shoot.  The photos make for such an intimate gift - something just for you and your partner.

Now, don't be scared, I'm not talking about posing for the types of photos published in Playboy; although that is totally an option. But I'm thinking of something more subtle. Tasteful and teasing.

For example...

This is Drea, photographed by Lauren Kennedy. I love this photo. Drea's jewelry, her nails, the tat...perfection! Lauren did an amazing job capturing Drea's three-dimensional personality with a two-dimensional medium.

Honestly, this is not really a provocative photo.  There's a great deal of modesty - enough that both Drea and Lauren felt this photo could go on Facebook without any issue.

And that's exactly my point.

You can take a totally sexy photo (look at those sweet curves up there!) while still leaving a lot up to the imagination. (You know, in case your kid starts rummaging around in your dresser drawers.) Inspired by Drea and Lauren, I found more tantalizing bare back shots.

via Hello, Beautiful
Lily Aldridge for Victoria's Secret 2011 Bridal Collection via Living that Whiskey Life

Would you consider doing a boudoir shoot?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Craft-Along: Rolled Rose Tutorial

Miss the first flower tutorial?  Check it out here.

This might shock some of you, but not everyone enjoys doing projects that require a needle and thread.  And sometimes a girl just wants to play with molten glue.  Totally understandable.

 As promised, today's tutorial involves two things - fabric and a hot glue gun. Arm yourselves, darlings, and let's get started!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Craft-Along: Flower tutorial 1

A rose is a rose (might be a carnation) is a rose. And that's what I'm going to show you how to make today - a carnation-esque rose.

Cute, right!? And pretty easy so let's get started!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fall Followup

Well, the season is changing as seasons do which reminds me time is passing.  I thought you guys might want an update on the goals I told you about in May.

Lucky No. 13 Pill Box (click image for more info)

I haven't reached 100 blog followers, but I have hit lucky 13 and I'm pretty happy about that.  Sure, I'd like to have 100 people click that magic "follow me" button at the bottom of the page, but I'd much rather have 100 people checking me out every day. So, thank you for stopping by, my lovelies.  And thanks for coming again. In fact, what is it that keeps you coming back and how can I give you more?

As for my other goal, selling 52 garters in so many weeks. Well...

Rose Red, a unique garter by Never a Plain Jane Designs
...the sale of that beauty marks my 28th sale in 27 weeks!

I'm not counting my goal as completed yet, but I am damn skippy celebrating! But not too much.  I have more garters to make!

Friday, September 9, 2011


First, a disclaimer of sorts. I would love to take credit for the entire Heart-to-Heart concept, but I can't. I found this awesome feature on Scoutie Girl some time ago when it was being done by Jan Dicintio.  When Jan left Scoutie Girl so she could focus more on her shop Daisy Janie, I offered begged to be allowed to continue the feature. Alas, Scoutie Girl has also opted to shift its focus and Heart-to-Heart will no longer be posted there. But I just can't let it go so, without further ado...

Thanks to the Etsy favorites feature, I have hearts, you have hearts, we all have hearts! Here, we’ll hop from heart-to-heart each week, progressively adding to our heart trail as we follow the favorites from one seller to the next.

Our trail starts where I left off at Scoutie Girl with

Romy66 {Lion Fish} who hearts

...Cathy Morell {Cotton Blossom Collar} who hearts

...Stacey Creel {Hammered Copper Earrings} who hearts

...Lori Hammer {Butterfly Cuff} who hearts

...SquirrelNuts {Alligator Charms} who hearts

...StoriesDivinations {Vintage Maps Card} who hearts

...stop back by to find out!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to annoy me

It is about four months later and I am still going through my photos of our trip to Disney World. This one is quite possibly the photo that bothers me the most.

Forget the fact that my kid looks totally distressed by something; there is no way I will ever be able to tell that guy his tag is out. It will just be there, in my photo, forever. Seriously. It is like a small slice of my personal Hell.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Craft-Along: Supply List

I know I should have a plan, but I don't. Well I do but it is pretty much limited to "make this wreath."

Since this is my first craft-along, I figured you guys would go easy on me. If I make mistakes, I make mistakes.  You like knowing I'm human, right?

That said, my "general supply list" is about as specific as my plan.  For one thing, I'm painting the NPJ Headquarters for the Creation of Pure Delight so everything is in chaos and I have no idea what scraps I have where. The other reason is that I don't want you to feel like you have to run out and buy specific fabrics or colors or a shiny new sewing machine.  I also don't want you to feel like you are crafting in the dark so following is

a list of items that will probably be handy in making your wreath.

Picture frame, 16x20 or smaller
Hot glue gun and hot glue sticks
Sewing needle
Fabric scraps
*Iron (for getting out wrinkles, not the kind you get from eating a lot of red meat)
*Fray stopping liquid or spray

And now a few notes.

The starred items are bonus supplies.  You may want to have them around, but your wreath will look fab even if you decide to forgo this part of the list.

You won't actually need the frame until assembly day (September 27) so don't fret if you can't find one lying about.  You'll want something with some heft; as in, no poster frames or other sorts of skinny rectangular nonsense. Great places to find good wood frames on the cheap include JoAnns and Micheals (they usually have cheap framed art or slightly damaged frames in their respective clearance aisles), garage sales, Goodwill-type thrift stores, antique shops, and flea markets.

If you plan to hang your wreath outdoors or if you will be storing it in an area that is not temperature controlled, you may want to consider using a high temp glue gun.  I mean, it gets pretty hot in Tampa so I could totally see the flowers of my wreath sliding to the attic floor when May's temperatures re-melt the glue holding my wreath together. Can I get an "amen" from my peeps in Texas?

If you absolutely have to buy fabric please do not buy more than a quarter of a yard. Really, I doubt you'll need more than an eighth of a yard. Also, if you are buying fabric for your wreath stick to fabrics that won't fray such as felt, cotton jersey (t-shirt material), tulle, and nylon chiffon. This is an excellent project for recycling clothing too old or too stained to donate, scraps from other projects, or bedding and curtains you never plan to use again. Likewise, you can get a ton of fabric from skirts and dresses, or large shirts (especially men's dress shirts) found at garage sales and thrift stores.

I believe that about covers it. For a vague list I got oddly specific there at the end. Has everyone picked a color scheme yet?  I still can't decide!  I like the honey + gray combo in Delia's tutorial, but I'm also feelin' Halloween-y. And I am in the middle of a love afair withh all the shades between green and blue.  Yipes! I better decide!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mixed feelings

There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when your baby joyfully calls out "Come on, Mama!" as she rides her bike faster than you can run. Pride, happiness, sadness...

And yes, I said pride. Even though she is wearing this:

Oughtn't it be autumn?

Today is Labor Day! You know that day that traditionally marks the end of summer - the day after which you can't wear white and the evening air starts to get a little bite to it. Except, that's not really happening around here.

I know, I know, just last week I was showing off a fall wishlist and here I am wondering where the heck fall is.  I want want to work with pretty plaid wools and jewel-toned corduroy.  I even have fun plans for cozy felt.  But I just can't seem to design "fall" when my kid is still begging me to let her swim so she can cool off.

Fall tree ideal vs. my fall so far

Ideal fall footwear vs. necessary evil (although these are pretty cute)

Ideal way to start a fall day vs. still sippin' my summer brew

I'm sure I shouldn't complain...but I do. Come on fall, get thyself to Florida! I'm ready for my studio to stay cool enough to work in come 2:00 in the afternoon.

What about you, my darlings? Are you hanging on to summer as long as you can or are you ready to fall into a new season?

Friday, September 2, 2011

For every girl, a garter

In the last few weeks I have been busy busy with custom orders.  And I am not complaining! Okay, I'm complaining a little, but only because my sweet clients are claiming their one-of-a-kind garters as fast as I can list them in my shop so you guys don't really get a chance to see them.

Of course, the ladies I work with have exquisite taste and I've had a lot of fun designing for them. You, my lovelies, just have to see what been flying out of the Never a Plain Jane design studio.

Remember these fab vintage buttons with their adorable anchors? Well, that post was up less than 24 hours before a sailor's wife told me to "get 'em." She wanted a garter for a boudoir shoot she's doing - a gift to her deployed husband.  I was more than happy to oblige.

Knotted rope heart and vintage button detail on "The Sailor's Wife" by Never a Plain Jane Designs

"The Sailor's Wife," a unique, custom garter from Never a Plain Jane Designs

Then there's Jenn. After 30-something years her mother is getting the big wedding she never had. Jenn asked me to help her design a garter duo as her special gift to her mom. She described a woman who appreciates pattern, color, primitives, quirky jewelry, vintage, and handmade.  The only request was that I include peacock feathers. This weekend there will be a happy bride will be wearing this thoughtful gift from her loving daughter:

"Pretty as a..." keepsake garter by Never a Plain Jane Designs
"Pretty as a..." toss garter by Never a Plain Jane Designs

This must be the weekend for weddings because I had just finished Jenn's giftable duo when I received my first rush order - less than two weeks to go before this bride said I do! I work well under pressure, though, and there was no way I could refuse when I saw her dress.

Mina Gown, interpretation of gown from Bram Stokers Dracula by Romantic Threads, Photo by Le Mew Photography

Cristina has designed a Victorian/Edwardian-influenced steampunk wedding.   Don't you wish you were going? She asked for a garter duo  that incorporated vintage buttons and plenty of drama.  She also gave me permission to "bring on the feathers." In my vast button collection I found these brass beauties that reminded me of boot buttons.  For the keepsake garter I looped the biot feathers so they mimicked the scalloped lace often used to trim Victorian garmets.

"Mina" garter duo by Never a Plain Jane Designs

Vintage brass button and feather detail on the "Mina" keepsake garter by Never a Plain Jane Designs

I love my job!