Friday, February 11, 2011

Inspiration Found (still seeking perfection)

Here and here I went on and on about my "not a wedding reception" in 2008. I was supposed to find inspiration and make the garter I might have worn.

Then two weeks passed. I found plenty of stuff that would have coordinated perfectly with that wonderful evening, but I had not made a garter.

The next week I still had no garter to post.  Really, for consistency's sake, I should have posted a new inspiration challenge, but I couldn't bring myself to post a new challenge with having completed the previous one myself.

It wasn't for lack of trying. I swear! I went through all sorts of materials,
and I spent all sorts of time making a  number of different garters. Still, the perfect garter eludes me.

I have a vision, I just haven't found the right combination of material and skill to make it a reality.

The time has come to move on. Next week I will post a new inspiration challenge. I hope that moving to other challenges will develop the talents I need to complete this one.

Will you be joining me?  What inspires you? What skills do you want to develop this year.  Don't be shy! I loooove your input.

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