Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finding Inspiration - The Past

I know, I know. I was supposed to find inspiration, make something and post it last week. I decided rather abruptly that I just could not do everything I wanted to do and actually enjoy the holiday so I cut out a lot of my "to-do" list without any sort of warning or apology.  Maybe next year I'll have things under better control.

So since I skipped last week I surely have something for today, right? Um, no. Don't get me wrong, I'm plenty inspired.  It is just that resources, including time, are scarce right now. I'll make something and post it soon. No, really. I will.

In the meantime, let's look at the great things other people are making.

We knew our venue would be decorated for the holidays so we tried to keep our own decorations and palette  pretty neutral: black, white, red, and gold.
The flowers were done by my sweet friend Jenny, who is amazing in every way
I wish I'd known about some of the folks' products two years ago.

Yes please.
Raindrops bracelet by He Knows My Name
I wore orchids, but these are an exquisite alternative to fresh flowers.
White Cream Vintage Jewelry Flowers by Mignonne Handmade
How about some hand painted signs from Signs by Diane or a monogram compliments of Simply Sweet by Practice?

Emily looked sweet (duh) but these tights by Dream Spun Kids would have put her over the top!
How 'bout a little something cushy for the tushy?
Ivory Paradise Lumbar Pillow by The Home Centric
I'm amazed at the things people make by hand and, often, at home. I'd better stop now or we'll be here forever.  Knowing that, Ben is probably glad I didn;t know about these people two years ago.


galvanized garden said...

OH MY GOSH!! I'm dying over that pillow...doesn't it look like me? AND, if I had a girl at my house, I'd be ordering those tights. And...those are some amazing centerpieces...had forgotten just how awesome the submerged callas and orchids looked (I was busy admiring the bride and groom and enjoying the incredible food)!

Never A Plain Jane said...

@botanical brouhaha That pillow is totally you! Did you poke around her shop? I had the hardest time picking just one for this post.