Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

Where to start?

Virginia Beach I have arrived! Thus far, I think I love it here. There are people and tall buildings and stores! Oh the stores. These stores, they have designer shoes. They sell things such as Dior mascara. They are located next to little bistros serving wine and gellato and sushi! Oh my god, there is something shiny over there in the ANN TAYLOR STORE!

The great part about all those stores is I have a job. I go to this posh little boutique law office on weekdays and they pay me to wear all the cute work clothes I've accumulated, answer phones, print stuff and walk around fabulous downtown Norfolk. Twice a month the posh little law office deposits money into my account. Do you know who likes money? STORES!

Seriously, I wrecked my car on the way to my job interview so I have to pay a few thousand to cover all the damage done. For those following along at home that makes three wrecks in four years. I also have some Emily expenses to cover. Daycare here is expensive and she seems to outgrow clothes and shoes the second I pay for them. But other than that, I can spend money at all the great stores!

Speaking of Emily, she also has made it to Virginia Beach, albeit much more recently than I. She does not think she loves it here. She misses her daddy, and her granny, and Texas in general. I enrolled her in a summer camp that keeps her very active, but she is also very worn out from the lack of naps. In all, there is a lot of adjusting going on in my three-person household. Sadly, this means my firm mommy voice is getting a hefty work out. It is unsettling at best. Hopefully it is not permanent.

Okay, short recap. I love VB. I love Ben. Emily does not love VB, but she is fond of Ben. Our apartment is lovely. I wrecked my car. I got a job. Emily goes to summer camp. In less than a month I turn 27. Did I mention the STORES?

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